Your body needs support at this time of year

The season of darkness is slowly, but steadily, covering us with its shadowy blanket. Depending on what region you live in you may not even see much sun on a daily basis. We may live in modern times, but for our bodies there’s a lot to adjust to, both physically and emotionally.

For me, it’s as if I get less energy when I see less sunlight. When this happens consecutively over a week or more, I start to notice I have less enthusiasm and a change in my mood in a bad way. For those who are super intuitive, you probably feel it much more than me. 

There are crystal pairings that I recommend during this time of the year that help to address our physical and emotional needs.

Vitality with Tiger’s Eye and Turquoise

Tiger's EyeTurquoise

Staying strong, healthy and active. It’s a time when we become more vulnerable. (Flus, colds and so on.) Both of these crystals immune boosting energy strengthens the meridians of the body and the subtle energy fields.

Comfort with Snowflake Obsidian and Rose Quartz

ObsidianRose Quartz

This is the pairing that is the equivalent to lying in a blanket fort with candle light and your favorite comfort food, while staring at the stormy weather outside the window. These gemstones create a cozy, calm atmosphere. Having the crystal around brings balance into your mind, body and soul.

Adaptability with Malachite and Jasper


As I said in the beginning, we are transitioning through a new period. Our bodies are adapting. Malachite is a stone of transformation. It brings changes in a gentle and caring nature, making the transition naturally from one state to another an easy process. Jasper is the most helpful crystal for establishing new disciplines.

Make it a joyful ride for your body and soul.

P.S. If you’re reading this it’s too late. I already sent good vibes your way. They are coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them now.

Love, hugs and prayers,


Explore crystals to pair

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