Safeguard your Aura

Your aura is a wonderful thing, but you must safeguard it. Negative people and harmful events in your life can erode its protective shield. We all face evil as the flip side of good. It comes in the form of difficult people who drain your spirit.

You meet someone new and instantly, you want to run. Your stomach is in turmoil and your head aches. Your body is trying to tell you something. On the other hand, we relish an encounter with someone uplifting and inspiring. The trick is keeping your aura intact through thick and thin.



Run for cover


Bad people give off bad vibes, so we know who they are. But sometimes you can’t get away—they are in the family or at work. They make you want to hide. Think of the stereotype of the nasty mother-in-law or gruff boss. Are you stuck with someone like that? You suffer through it, but it takes a toll.

We put up with a lot of grief in our lifetimes. When we can preserve our aura during tough situations, we grow stronger and more vibrant. We try to lock in the good stuff and repel the bad. But we can’t always escape the ravages of difficult people.


Save your aura


Where are you right now in your life? Can you feel or see your aura? It will tell you the state of your being. Think of it as a soft, colorful dome around you. Negative words send arrows of hate to try to penetrate its porous surface. Every interaction with the world has an effect.

But your aura is also a defense mechanism that will help you persevere and survive. It contains all the feelings, thoughts, and habits you have developed over time. They work together to define you as you act and react to others. Your aura permeates down to your very biology—all the organs and tissues that keep you alive.

As such, your aura is sacred. It tells people how you are feeling because responds to their thoughts and emotions. It reaches into your subconscious and exposes your true self. At the same time, it is a bit clairvoyant in that it can read others and warn you to run with open arms or steer clear.

You have no doubt heard someone say, “so and so makes me sick.” This can be literally true. You feel the distaste to the depths of your soul. Your aura finds theirs repellent. Avoiding bad people is the first strategy to safeguard one’s aura.


A business application


Let’s take an example. You have a client with a bad aura but are forced to do business. You have to make a choice. If you proceed, you risk damage to your psyche in the process. What do you do?

One way to handle this problem is to ask to work with another representative of the same company. You hope, of course, that the individual selected will be an improvement. Otherwise, you can give in and try to do the deal fast.

If you accept to work with a negative, critical person, you will want to know that the business dealings are short term. But in the here and now, you may face deceit and a lack of trust. Watch the person’s aura. It might be highly charged and explosive or soft and unthreatening.

No, we can’t all read auras this easily and a lot of this works by intuition. But you may sense something awry that you later identify as hostility or greed. I have heard sensitive people describe auras as heavy and dense. This perception was of combative and overpowering individuals.

On the other hand, some people describe auras as benevolent and comforting. This denotes persons you can trust. Colors add meaning to these primary sensations. Red infuses an aura of an angry person while black denotes depression and doubt.

If auras don’t speak to you in this way, at least you may get a glimpse of a person’s energy. You might ask yourself, “will this person steal mine?” or “can I count on the energy to grow?” Auras can play a big role in your relationships, both business and social, and are a wonderful indicator of what is to come.

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