Cleansing mini showers

“Wait, that’s not really me.” I often speak about how to shield yourself from others' negative energy. But what if you are the source of it that makes others anxiously want to leave the room? (Being hangry also counts.) In that case you need cleansing mini showers. The bursts of energy come handy in keeping you in a zen-like state. The crystals I mention today really promote your well-being in that matter. Also, remember to cleanse them often, the constant mini-showers wear them out rather quickly.

Cherry Quartz

Cherry Quartz

Do you feel you get irritated more than you’d like to? Cherry Quartz regulates the aggressive aspects of one’s personality and urges the mind to seek emotional balance. Unwind yourself and calm your mind with this one.



Amethyst's energy bursts creates a calm atmosphere that relieves stress, tension and purifies your mind. It helps you analyze emotions and critically think to find the best possible solution, and removes confusion and mental fog to create a sense of order and harmony in your life. It’s also a good pick to have in your living room for that matter.



Turquoise brings in refreshing peace, calmness, and opens the higher mind to accepting joy and healing vibrations of love, the single ingredient needed to heal the whole world. Every time I hold a turquoise stone in my hand, the striking blue color always brings a vision of the beach to my mind, and I let the wave of calming energy soothe my mind of all the stressful thoughts I have going on. Let turquoise steer you towards a positive direction, which makes it an excellent choice for positive energy.



Jade is a dream stone. It releases negative thoughts and irritability by soothing the mind. The keyword here is mindfulness. It really gets you in the zone. As a result, Jade integrates your mind with your body to stimulate ideas and make tasks less complex and easier to act upon.



Fluorite relieves anxiety, tension, and stress levels by detoxifying the emotional body. It can help get rid of mental blocks and related mental issues. Fluorite can also remove confusion and mental "fog" to create a sense of order and harmony in your life.

Work with these crystals, or carry them with you. And take advantage of the subtle cleansing mini showers. It’s a little spiritual self-healing. And let me know how you feel afterwards.



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