Unicorn Carvings

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    The legendary unicorn is a mythical creature that resembles a large horse, but with a pointed, spiraling horn that projects from its forehead. 

    The unicorn is legendary all over the world not only for its magnificent form, but because of all that it symbolizes. It is a symbol from the mythical realm, and it represents supremacy, enchantment, and, of course, magic.more...less...

    Depictions of the unicorn have been around for a very long time, with seals portraying these beasts that go as far back as the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. These mythical beasts have also made appearances in written accounts dating back to the ancient Greek civilization. And to this day, their presence in our universal consciousness remains unmistakable. This explains why crystal carved unicorns have grown to be extremely popular in the crystal healing community.

    The degree of mystery and allure that surrounds these creatures is hard to beat. According to folklore, touching the horn of a unicorn will bring total and complete healing to anyone. And unicorn healing isn’t only concerned with fighting physical illnesses. It completely renews the body, mind, and soul in a single magical touch.

    The unicorn is also a symbol of transcending your limits to do what you are destined to do. The image of the unicorn invites one to accomplish what they once thought was impossible. It pushes believers to recognize the infinite number of possibilities that is available to everyone at all times. What’s more, seeing a unicorn in one’s dream is a sign of incoming fortune and good luck.

    Having a crystal unicorn figurine in your home makes for an excellent pathway toward healing and the realization of your spiritual power. Forming a connection with a crystal unicorn will take your meditation to the next level, as it lets you connect to the spirit of your soul. This spirit is also referred to as the “unicorn guide” by many crystal healers. According to them, your unicorn guide holds the knowledge that is essential to finding and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

    Choosing among different crystal unicorns
    Different crystals have different metaphysical and healing properties. When choosing a crystal carved unicorn, it’s best to go with a crystal that resonates with your needs and intentions.

    For example, a Llanite crystal unicorn serves as a grounding and soothing stone that promotes cooperation. This makes it an excellent choice for use in business and workplace settings. A crystal unicorn figurine made out of Red Jasper, on the other hand, can help you clear your mind better during meditation. It’s also a dependable tool if you’re into astral travel.

    The Clear Quartz unicorn crystal amplifies and focuses energies from other crystals. It also helps balance and align the chakras. Lastly, the Crazy Lace Agate unicorn figurine is useful for anyone who wants to enhance their intellect and creativity. Agate is also known to bring strength and harmony.

    There are many more crystals available here at Soul Charms NYC. We have Rose Quartz crystal unicorns, as well as those that are made out of Amazonite, Dragon Blood Jasper, Green Aventurine, and Fluorite, among others. We urge you to explore them, so that you can find the best crystal unicorn for you.